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Million Little Voices is an online multimedia platform featuring your submissions and organized by your peers. Share your story, your struggles, and your triumphs, and find solace in the experiences of others. We’d love to broadcast your voice! We accept writing, music, videos, and all forms of visual art. You can also check out our playlists, featured artists, and learn how to take care of yourself through hard times.
Looking for a place to express yourself? Million Little Voices accepts all forms of creative submissions on an ongoing basis. Share with us your story, your struggles, and your triumphs. Your voice can make a difference.
Send submissions to submit@millionlittle.com.
Submit Your VoiceFor video and audio submissions please send us a link (YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, etc).
For visual art, photography, writings and other creative submissions we accept most formats (jpeg, pdf, word, png, etc).
For any questions,
please contact us.