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Days after being released from a mental health facility, “EuphoricAnarchy” created this piece to express how she was feeling in the moment, how she felt while hospitalized, and how she hopes to feel in the future.

On the bottom panel: This is my mood for today. You see, everything is underlined with anger because I’m very very angry today. But anger is a secondary emotion and usually caused by something else. My anger is caused by my sadness.

I splattered bits of black over this section because a week ago I had a lot of darkness, but now it’s not as much. It’s still there, but almost in a ghostly way. I added bits of white as well, for my hope of happiness, but they are muffled and grey. here are bits of yellow mixed in as well, but they’re hidden and very hard to see. This is my mood for today. 

On the top left panel: This area that represents howI was feeling one week ago. It is mainly black with little splotches of blue.Some bits of it are morbid, but I wanted to die. 

Before I started painting, I covered up the table with old newspaper so it wouldn’t get dirty. I just happened to use a lot of the sports section, and different words and phrases started jumping out at me.

I found it really funny to recontextualize these sports headlines to describe my depression. For example, “Angels Have Gone” was a clipping from a baseball game. It’s this dramatic phrase full of despair but I was laughing while cutting it out, not crying. Another one of my favorites is“5 Days of Freshness”, which came from a detergent ad. I was in the mental institution for 5 days… of freshness.

On the top right panel: I painted how I want to be in the future. I used a lot of light colors, like blues and yellows and purple. It says things like “She’s Ok”, “That’s the spirit”, and “Don’t die”. I just want to be okay.

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