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My Story

For Rebecca

June 20, 2019
My Story
My little sister and I aren't very close; I feel like I'm out of time to fix this.

little sister,

these days you feel so far away

eleven years old with a heart full of dismay

cut off from my world, with headphones in your ears

little sister, please forgive me for expressing these fears

that one day, I'll call and call for you

and no answer will follow

trapped inside your technicolor dreams, until tomorrow

little sister, I blame myself for not connecting to you sooner

little sister, my mistake was assuming you'd be a late bloomer

only six inches shorter than me, but every ounce as smart little sister, only a fool could miss that magic in your heart

with my same brown hair and my same awkward frame

little sister I only hope you won't adopt my same disdain

I'm a little sister too, and trust me, I know

the power of an older sister, as you begin to grow

that their outward appearance will become the one you strive for

little sister, the last thing I want is to become your sort of eyesore

I've always tried my best for you to keep up a clean image

but, little sister, one day, you'll learn how everything in our house is a scrimmage

little sister, I know that you and I share the same genes

but, little sister, I hope you don't adopt my habit of extremes

you're already more level-headed and easygoing, I know

and I hope you'll learn to laugh more with every year you grow

make sure to yell less than I did, but stand up for yourself as well

don't let the hate speech trap you, like a sort of siren's spell

I'm sorry if my standards seem impossible to be

but just know, little sister

you can never disappoint me

little sister, I know these words may not make sense now

but just know, that when the world shakes and throws you to the ground

I'll be waiting on the other side, both my arms outstretched

little sister, even if we aren't so close, I'll try to do my best

to always stay right by your side, and lift you when you're down

because, little sister,

I'll never forget how it felt

when my older sisters stopped being around

Submitted through a partnership with a local high school's Literary Magazine (Lit Mag).

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