I stand here with an audible voice
I stand here with a visible face
I represent my people's pain
I am Latina
Those words I used to find shame in
And every time I was told to mark a check next to my ethnicity and race
I wanted to mark the box next to the same race that oppresses
Me and my people
My identity
My mother used to tell me to dream,
To dream big, to not be afraid of my wings
The wings nurtured by
My mother’s love, My family, Mi Cultura (My culture)
Antes no me gustaba hablar el español
(Before I didn't like speaking Spanish)
I spoke it with a sense of shame and a little bit of self-hate
My mom confused my silence with shyness
She couldn’t understand
How could I explain
That society had told me that my dreams did not match the color of my skin
My mother told me to dream
Told me education could help me win
Until the day she told me
Mija, tal vez no sueñes tanto
(Sweetie, maybe don’t dream too much)
Look at reality for a second
No tienes papeles y no tenemos dinero
( You're undocumented, and we don’t have money)
Solo iras al colegio si cai todo del cielo
( You're only going to college if everything falls from the sky)
She shattered my life in a matter of seconds
Without realizing the damage she had done
Entonces la sangre se me subió y solo le pude gritar
( Then all my blood raised to my head, and I could only scream)
That's the land of the free
Then I would have all my rights given to me
Why did you bring me to the land of LOS RACISTS (THE RACIST)
This country whose history is based off hatred and abuse
Of all other races,Que no son blancos. (That are not white)
Que no entiendes, nonos quieren aquí
Lo miro en la forma que me miran
Como si fuera menos que humana
(Do you not understand, they don’t want us here)
(I see it in the way they look at me)
( As if I were less than human)
But still, I spread my wings
And dreamed my dreams
And now I'm here