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Inspiration comes in multiple forms

June 23, 2019
My Thoughts
A photo from Nightcrawler

For artists, inspiration comes in multiple forms. For me, extraordinary films and music (and even other people's art!) gives my work purpose. Watching a great movie is the equivalent to discovering hidden treasure - afterwards, you sit in shock, eyes wide with awe. The only medium of art so far that has brought me to tears is film.

The concepts of great directors drive the framework underneath my art. Some of my favorite films include: "Nightcrawler", "The Shining", "Her", "Howl's Moving Castle", and "West Side Story." I think the reason why film is such a unique subject is because it compiles multiple art forms together. How would "Mad Max: Fury Road" have been made possible without the tedious details of beautifully crafted cinematography? The swelling soundtrack behind "The Phantom of The Opera" would have never existed without hundreds of passionate musicians. Costume design, set design, hair and makeup.  I remember seeing a ballet and wishing I'd brought a sketchbook along with me - their costumes were gorgeous!  

Every great film relies on a hardworking team of phenomenal artists. Social media is an excellent way to promote new events or share your interests. I post all of my "doodles" or drawings to Instagram, along with an appealing Instagram Story to convince people into clicking on the full image. Those stories usually rely on cinematic soundtracks or songs related to the theme. This is where my passion for music is present on my profile.

In no way am I a musician. I tried to learn how to play the guitar after I discovered Nirvana in 4th grade (heads up, I didn't sound good at all.) Most of the time, I stay up past midnight to binge-watch music videos. My favorite bands of all time are Cage The Elephant and The 1975. Their musical and artistic vision is so strong that sometimes I have to pause their videos for a moment and recollect my senses. They're new blood, but some notable mentions are David Bowie, The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, and Tears For Fears. Don't even get me started on Broadway! I hope that all of you are able to find an outlet that reignites your passion for the arts like I have in music and film.

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