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Empowered Women EMPOWER Women

Creative Writing
August 5, 2020
My Story

It is a phrase we are starting hear more often—thank God! I am in my mid 20’s and it took me up until recently to really believe in this statement. For some reason us girls grow up with a mentality to compete against each other instead of empowering and genuinely being happy for the success of each other’s lives.

We want to be the prettiest in the room, the trendiest, the one who will get the most likes on Instagram, and the girl who gets the most boys instead of focusing on ourselves. We like to focus on how much better we “appear” to be doing and belittle others out of spite and jealousy. In turn, we lose what makes us unique by trying to impress; not only do we lose ourselves, we become insecure and ultimately unhappy. Many times we become two-faced women wearing one mask with this group and a different mask with the other. We literally become self-destructive mascara-wearing monsters!

As humans, we all share one common thing: we want to feel accepted and loved. So why do we bring each other down when we should be lifting each other up? It’s a simple fix: accept and love each other. Let’s get rid of this mentality that we are against each other and instead be on the same team. How many less heart-breaks, cat fights, drama, and insecurities would we have had if we just teamed up together?

If I could tell high-school me a word of advice this is what I would say:

“Focus on being kind and uniquely you--the rest will follow. The amount of friends you get by “changing yourself” is zero, because that is not really you.

The coolest people are the people who are confident in their own skin. The most beautiful people are the ones who are the most kind. And the happiest people are the ones who do not get distracted by someone else’s success but cheer them on and continue to focus on improving your own goals.”

I am in my 20’s now and although I am not perfect, I have found that the best version of myself is the version that does not become jealous of another woman’s success but motivated by them. I have found that empowering other women feeds into this cycle of cheering each other on bringing positivity into each other’s lives. It has helped me become healthier mentally and physically. It has brought people with the same mind-set into my life bringing nothing but support for one another. It has made me a happier, more confident, and feel more beautiful (and I know it). So let's normalize women empowering women! Remember, you attract the kind of people you want in your life—so who are you going to attract? Who are you going to empower today?

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