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Chapter One: The Arrival


Hahaha…so i'm back here eh? What is this, the thousandth time i’ve been captured by the likes of you, BATS?! This is our destiny now any way, you and me, Evil versus Good, THE YIN AND THE YANG! Tell me Batman; who would you be without meeh? I was your first, your arch enemy, and vice versa.

Y’know, it’s funny. Sure ANYONE can see my world as chaotic through your eyes bats, but what about from my eyes? Why won't I get the say eh? You see Gotham as a place to be protected from evil? Well what if I were to tell you how ironic that sounds? It’s like trying to keep dirt from an already dirty shirt. Don't you see bats? Your precious Gotham was already a harlot to begin with. Why not allow her to enjoy the rest of the sins in life.

You see, even though I am strapped to this table and being taken to this GOD for saken asylum, nothing and no one would, nor can, stop me And you know that,don’t you Batman. It’s because evil must lurk where other evil is present. Like a homeless man lurks with his own kind; and as they group, the stench of their failure and misery fogs the atmosphere around them, causing them to turn on each other for clean air. Yet all it does is make the air thick with their blood and chaos. Thus killing themselves off in an endless loop of insanity. So, I must lurk in Gotham, and stir up the pot of destruction and feed chaotic chemical concoctions to the people, causing them to turn on each other and kill themselves off. Then you’ll see the strongest of the group that have chose loony over reality, rise from the acidic vapor of chaos and become rulers in their own mind. Don’t you see Batman? What i’m doing is giving the people what they want. I’m killing off the weak to make the strong stronger!

You wanna know something Batman? You and I are alike in a way. We just have different skin. My past has allowed me to grow into a fantastic fantasy. My mind has transcended pain and all the hurting of this existence. My past made me who I am bats. And it’s the same for you! Hmph. You can stand there with that dead look in your eye all you want but i know you bats. I know you too much. You do see it don't you? Our paths were not crossed in coincidences. We were meant to be. You and I where from the same pain, but you chose light while i chose dark. You chose Truth and i chose the sweet bliss of altered reality. But even then, was your way the correct one?

Tell me bats, how does it feel to be on the side of faltered justice? How many times must you work alongside those caped crusaders and speedo wearing do-gooders,until they turn to their own false doctrine and slaughter anyone who gets in their way to fulfill it? HOW MANY BATS!?

Oh here we go now. Heh, I remember this room all to well. It’s the stupid psych room. So you’re gonna put me in here first eh? Hehe, can’t take any chances eh? Well let me tell you something bats. The half brained ape you send in here will never understand me, they never do, but you do Batman. We are alike. Oh you have to go? Aww I was having a nice conversation. Well then bats, I’ll be seeing you later. TAH-TAH! Hey YOU! GUARD! Where is this doctor you referred tome? I have a date with blood shed and i’m running a tad bit late.

Joker & Dr. Harleen Quinzel

Chapter2: The Depth Under

“What is it you want doctor? You want to understand how deep the rabbit hole goes don't you? Well well, curious, aren't we Harleen?

“It’s Doctor Quinzel to you.”

“Hmm, you’re overstepping your bounds a bit much don't you think? Don’t you know who I am?”

“I don't think, I know. And I do know who you are. You are a sick patient, and my job is to help you.”

“Help is a figment of imagination doctor. No one is truly helped. Only crutched along.”

“That doesn't sound logical.”

“Nothing about this world is logical, that is why I love it so much; or rather love to watch it burn with my name painted in the distant flames.”

“Why is that?”

Questions, Questions. Why so many? This girl is annoying me, and I don't like it at all. I'd like to see whather mouth looks like shredded in a meat grinder. But, I could play this little game. This might be fun for me until I bust out of here. Or better yet, she can help me HAHAHA!

“Well now, Doctor, lets not delve into psychological nothings hmm?”

“Ok then. How about we talk about your interests. What do you like to do?”

“Well other than the usual killing, rampaging, chaos,and mayhem, id say i like to sit and wait for my little special someone.”

“Oh? So you have a lover?”


Love? LOVE?!

“Oh please Doctor don't make me laugh. The morphine the guards injected into me is having a negative affect and it hurts so good.”

“What did I say?”

“Love is far from close to the relationship i share with this particular person. It's more of a deep connection that two people who hate each other share. We are enemies.”

“Hmm. It almost sounds like you have an infatuation with this person.”

“Well… I never thought of it like that. I thought it was just the deep desire to burn him alive.”


I see where this is going.

“Oh please Doctor I may be a cold- blooded psychopath but I haven't stooped THAT low.”

“Well anyway, have you ever loved anyone?”

There goes that word again. Though something tells me that that word means something to her. I should test this out.

“Well Doc if you insist on asking me, there was one woman in my life whom I loved dearly.”


“Yes indeed. I watched her die in my arms. Her blood soaked to the very nucleus of every cell in my hands. 

“I-Im sorry I asked.”

“Don't be. It's what I love about this world. Justice is just another rule to break. It's a facade created to keep people under a false sense of protection. There is no justice Doctor. When someone is killed in cold blood, the judges promise justice for the loved ones, but ultimately it's never enough. It is always halved ass when someone else tries to avenge for you. They don't know your pain. This world says justice without blinking an eye, than kill millions of innocence for its own gain. That is why i love it so much my dear. I am the world and the world is me. I am the world personified. And like the world is evil there is always good around somewhere, lurking within the shadows. He sits his throne in the middle of my chaotic hands. He destroys any scheme i throw at him. He is dark and brings what he thinks is true light. His warped view of justice being real infuriates me, and yet, it makes me feel alive.”

“W-why does it?”

“Because, no one has ever shown the strength to go up against me, let alone live to say they saw my face. It gets lonely being the only one living in a minds pace like mine with no one to interact with. Everyone is so fragile. They just run away hoping that the scary killer wont catch up to them, but I always do. The pitiful pests that walk this earth are nothing but play toys for me to abuse and use to my own biding. Then he came. He was able to counter all my moves, with stand the demonic pressure my aura excreets. He was the yin to my yang. He was no play toy, or rather, a toy that little boy Joker couldn't play with.”

“You mean… Batman?”

“Yes Doctor. The Dark Knight.”

“ know who he really is?”

“Now Now Doctor, such secrets being revealed would take the fun out of our little game. At least for


Why is she so silent.

Joker. He's so fascinating. I've never studied anyone like him before. His thinking boggles me, scares me even, yet it keeps me on edge. It pulls me closer to understanding him more. Where, when, and how did he go so south? What does he constantly think about? So many questions. Why does he view the world so backwards? Is the dark really the truth? Could his solution really be the only possible outcome for a f’d up world? I-I must keep my distance. He's charming for a blood-thirsty clown man. Heh, it is funny. I pleaded for months to research this man. He's not a lesser known criminal like the others, he's different in every way. Why does he go through so much pain? His mind is so wonderfully warped. It's so; sad. I need to know what turned him.

“Well Doctor, are you just going to leave me here on this wretched table alone? Or are you going to come back to earth and try to wrap your puny mind around my words?”

“Joker. In order for me to fully assess you i need to know a couple of things about you. That is why I asked those questions before.Tell me, what is your story? What turned you into the famed ‘Clown Prince of Crime’? What is your origin?”

Bingo. I found my advantige. Time to get a little heavy for the audience.

“Well now where do I begin? My story is all over the place. As scrambled as my sense of reality really. Lets start from the beginning shall we? Ill try my best to add as much as i can from my lifetime”

Many, MANY lifetimes.HAHAHAHA! Even my STORY is twisted. But it would add the effect I need.

Well Doctor, My name wasnt always “The JOKER”. It was-”

Mmm no not yet. Lets give her a goal to look foreward to.

What… why did he stop?

“What is your name?”

“Well Doc sorry to leave you on the cusp of climaxing but that is something sacred to me.”

“I-I see.”



“Listen Doc. Sometimes I remember my past one way,sometimes another… if i'm going to have a past, i prefer it to be multiple choice! One way i remember is that i worked as a lab assistant. I don't remember where or when but that's not important. All i know is that i had a wife and an unborn son, but my job wasn't paying the bills too great. So i quit and became a comedian. Y'see I always thought i had a real funny bone in my body, a real knack for jokes.


“What...What is so funny?”

“I was a FAILING comedian Doc! Don't you see? I only became funny when i died inside! The irony IS the joke!”

“Oh… HAHAHAHA, I get it now, that IS funny.”

“After a while my jokes were not catching on, i was a failure in the worlds eyes, so after that i quit trying to be funny and took more serious routes. Y’see Doc, i was a scared little chump back then but I needed money for my family. Well a little later in life i met with some mobsters,(jolly fellows really they knew how to have a good blood-soaked time), and i asked for a nice set up to make a decent buck. We were to break into the chemical lab that i worked in, and i was to dress as the ‘Red Hood’.”

WHAT!? HIM!? I was a teen when i heard of the Red Hood! I always wondered why he wore that giant pill-like mask.

“I… you where THE Red Hood?”

“Indeed I was my love; and it was going well for awhile too. Then HE showed up and it all went south from there.”


Mmm she looks disappointed. Perfect.

“Yes darling. The caped crusader himself. I tried to out run him along with my fellow mates, but they didn't last long anyway. He chased me into the chemical mixing room. The rest is a bit foggy, but I woke up one morning looking like how i am now. I used to hate my new face Doctor. I used to see it as a hideous reminder of HIM, and AAAAALL the WONDERFUL CRAP that came before!”

“What was the crap? Why did Batman allow this to happen? I thought he was a hero! What did your wife say about the incident?”


“I lost her and my son. That IS the crap Doc.”

Oh...Oh my god.


“Before I even did the job, she asked me not to do it. I needed the money. WE needed the money. Yet she always stayed optimistic. I tried to back out, but i had to keep my end of the bargain. Y’see Doctor, what everyone fails to realize; is that it only takes one bad day to turn a normal man into a crazed lunatic. And that on that day, i was a few circuits short of a mother board."

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