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Mother Nature vs Humans

May 30, 2019
My Thoughts
Vancouver Island, from season 1,2, and 4

Mother Nature V.S Humans

Imagine being alone for many days, you v.s mother nature, and all for money. That show is "Alone" by the History channel. Alone Is a show were History channel picks 10 contestants to survive in the wilderness. It truly is Mother Nature v.s Humans. Each contestant carry a certain amount of items, and some personal items, but items are very restricted. The winner gets the prize money($50,000-$500,000), and the finalists gets some money. The show is very dangerous and the show is very picky on who they pick. The show, by using their contestants skills, teacher the viewers about survival skill/tips on what to do in the wilderness. Alone is a true survivalist show, due to it sends out their contestants alone in the wilderness, and the audience see the slow breakdown of the contestants.

Some cases where the show is dangerous, is when the contestants put themselves in danger. One contestant was in season 3, named Dave Nessia, who almost starved himself to death(bit of an exaggeration, but still accurate). Nessia had a moderate amount of food, but decide to ration his food to have more in the future. By doing this Nessia lost a lot of weight, and by day 73, he was medically removed due to the amount of weight would have caused him long term effects. Nessia was determined to win it all, but mother nature came and took him out of the show(btw Nessia is completely fine and came back for season 5, the redemption season). Another case when the danger was present, was in season 4 with Shannon Bosdell. Shannon was walking and tripped on a log, and fell down. Shannon had a spinal injury, that if untreated would cause long term effects on his spine. Obviously, Shannon was medically pulled from the competition(Also is doing well). Mother nature is something to not be messed with, and this show exemplifies the troubles the contestants go through. These two cases are examples that “Alone” is a very difficult show, and should not be treated carelessly, but with carefulness and caution.

Yes the show is dangerous to be apart of, but it's not dangerous all the time. All of the contestants are willing to do the show, and are willing to take mother nature. “Alone” has a relatively calm feeling, and at times, tense. There are moments where you see the nature and just completely astonished by all of the beauty nature has, but other moments are intense by: a contestant hurting themself, broke/lost a very important item, or when wild animals(bears, cougars, mountain lions, snakes, etc) are nearby. While other moments have some “dark” humor. For instance: one contestant absolutely hated bugs and always cursed and tried to get rid of the bugs, one contestant made a trap the completely squashed a mouse, and lastly, one contestant mocked starvation by making her own commercial about it. “Alone” is based upon, “what can humans do in the wildness”. Many contestants drop out in about a month or two; which makes you think: “We and very lucky to be living comfortably, and not be against the harshness of mother nature”. Most people could not survival out in the wilderness for more than a week without regrets. The contestants, typically, do not have regrets except that they want to prove to themselves that they could have done better.

Overall, “Alone” is a survival show where 10 contestants go out in the wilderness, alone, and document their story. These video recordings show the difficulties pure mother nature brings trouble on humans, and the videos exemplify the characters of each contestants each season. With “Alone”, it gives the viewers a sense of relief that life is not like living in the wilderness, and not trying to survive every, single, day.  

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