“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” -Maya Angelou
All too often, youth bear the frustration of not being heard.
“Million Little Voices” is here to listen.
Located on our Youth Resources page, this online platform gives you the chance to learn about the experiences of others, and share your story on your own terms. Start browsing to hear our themed playlists, learn about inspirational artists, and discover self-care tips in content created by our teen volunteer club. You can also find essays and opinions on topics including mental health, friendship, culture, and family.
Self-expression comes in all forms, so our submissions are open to writing, visual art, video, and music.
If you have something to share or a question to ask, reach out to us at submit@millionlittle.com
For video and audio submissions, please send us a link (YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, etc). For visual art, photography, writing, and other creative submissions, we accept most formats (jpeg, pdf, .doc, etc)